



Examination Requirements:

The following tests are required by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service, or USCIS, (formerly the Immigration & Naturalization Service, or INC).

The physical examination is required for persons of all ages. The examination requirements are determined by age and immunization record.

An adult (15 years or older) examination typically consists of the following:

  • A Physical Examination
  • A tuberculin (TB) skin test is required for all persons 2 years or older
  • A blood test for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS)
  • A blood test for syphilis (RPR)
  • Immunizations are dependent on age and medical history

A pediatric (children 14 years of age or younger) examination does not usually require blood testing and typically consists of the following:

  • A physical examination
  • A TB skin test (2 years old and older)
  • A review and update of the pediatric immunizations

A tuberculin skin test will be performed on the first visit. Patients must return in two to three days for a check of the test. Patients with a positive tuberculosis skin test will need a chest x-ray to make sure they do not have active tuberculosis. This can be done at the clinic for an additional charge. If the TB test is negative, the medical examination can continue.