




i-SYSTOC Customized Data Access

The i-SYSTOCTM web-based service allows HealthWorks-WNY to provide its clients with information in an interactive, on-line environment via a secure, encrypted connection.  HealthWorks-WNY sets up access so that client companies are able to view negative drug screen results without having to call or receive paper copies.

Three levels of security are built into the i-SYSTOC system:

  • Anyone accessing i-SYSTOC must have a valid User ID and Password that HealthWorks-WNY assigns and maintains in order to view data.
  • The security restrictions associated with the ID and Password are also set up within SYSTOC.  Users are limited to viewing the specific information that pertains to them, and do not have the ability to modify or delete anything contained in the database.
  • All interactions on i-SYSTOC are performed over a Secure Socket Layer at 128-bit RSA encryption.  This ensures that no outsider can "listen in" to data transfer on the phone lines.

To sign up for i-SYSTOC, call 716.712.0670 ext 3262.