



WNY Respirator Clearance Testing

To ensure that your workplace meets the requirements of OSHA and that your employees are not put in life threatening situations, WNY respirator clearance testing is crucial. It is pertinent to keep respirators in proper working order to avoid regulatory action and for the safety of your employees. Through rigorous respirator testing offered by HealthWorks WNY, you'll know the state of your workplace's respirators as well as the state of employee health.

What to Expect from WNY Respirator Clearance Testing

During this process you can expect a respirator fit testing and here are some things that will be taken into consideration during an evaluation.

  • Whether or not the employee is a risk to the company.
  • Whether or not the employee is a smoker.
  • Whether or not the employee has a serious medical illness.
  • Whether or not the employee suffers from claustrophobia.
  • The length of time the employee is able to wear a respirator mask.
  • Responsibilities of the employee while wearing the mask.


WNY Respirator Clearance TestingThese are just a few of the many health-related questions that will be addressed during a WNY respirator clearance testing test. These questions will help determine whether or not the employee is medically cleared to wear a respirator on the job.

Other important steps involved with respirator fit testing include checking to see if the mask fits the employee properly and a thorough test of the mask's efficiency.

A mask that is not effective or efficient is not acceptable. Masks that are not in working order are a health hazard to employees. It could also hinder the employee's ability to perform work-related tasks while wearing the mask. To meet all requirements by OSHA, masks must remain in working order at all times.

To learn more about WNY respirator clearance testing with HealthWorks WNY, contact us today!