This training course provides cost effective practical guidance and serves as a reference tool for any company who administers an on-going drug and alcohol testing program and promotes a drug and alcohol free workplace.
For Supervisors: 49 CFR Section 382.603 states in part that "all persons designated to supervise drivers receive at least 60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and at least an additional 60 minutes of training on controlled substances use".
Dr. Stuart Dorfman, co-owner of HealthWorks-WNY and a Medical Review Officer (MRO), will explain the concept of reasonable suspicion and the effects of drug and alcohol use in the workplace. Supervisors will be trained on recognizing and acting on indicators of alcohol misuse and drug use. Attendance of the lecture includes a session outline guide and a certificate of completion.
Reasonable Suspicion Training will provide your company and supervisors with the tools and knowledge needed to meet and satisfy this specific federal requirement. It will prepare your supervisors for complicated situations and the quick decisions they are required to make. The course will include an overview of new and existing DOT rules and regulations regarding drug and alcohol testing; DOT policy issues including validity testing, public interest exclusion (PIE) and Stand-down; review of drug and alcohol testing protocols and lab procedures and the role of the Medical Review Officer and Substance Abuse Professional (SAP).
HealthWorks-WNY Mandated Reasonable Suspicion Training Course for DOT and non-DOT supervisors can be performed anytime at your company's location. Courses are also routinely held on a quarterly basis at our Northtowns clinic. To inquire about the next scheduled class, call us at 716.712.0670 ext. 3262.
It is recommended the following attend: Employers of both DOT and non-DOT workers, management personnel, human resources managers, safety managers, third party administrators, SAP's, insurance providers and any business owner who wants to promote a drug and alcohol free workplace and environment.
Once again, to find out the next scheduled class, or to register for a class, please contact us at 716.712.0670 ext 3262.