Respirator Fit Testing

  • Are your employees at risk when wearing a respirator?
  • Do your employees have a medical clearance for respirator usage?
  • Are your employees respirators fitted and worn correctly?
  • Are your employees trained on care and maintenance of their individual respirators?

HealthWorks-WNY offers 2 types of respirator fit testing; Qualitative Fit Testing and Quantitative Fit Testing (see below).

Qualitative Fit Testing

  • Respirator condition evaluation
  • Properly adjust and fit respirator
  • Negative pressure seal check of respirator
  • Administer Bitrex or nebulized saccharine (taste aversion agents), Isomyl acetate (banana oil) while using OSHA Fit Test Protocol 1910.134(f)

Quantitative Fit Testing

  • Respirator condition evaluation
  • Properly adjust and fit respirator
  • Sampling and measurement of air particles in face piece using latest equipment-PortaCount
  • OSHA Fit Test Protocol 1910.134(f)