Preventing illness and promoting overall health of employees. This can seem like a daunting task at times. The overall goal of occupation health and medical services is to achieve a safer, healthier working environment. That is also the goal of Healthworks WNY. With our team of full trained registered nurses, physicians, physician assistants, medical assistants, and X-ray technicians, all the offered services of Healthworks WNY are geared towards meeting the requirements of the DOT, OSHA Complacency standards, and NYS Board of Workers Compensation Requirements. We provide comprehensive medical services for companies that look after their employees health and wellness in Buffalo, NY
At Healthworks WNY, we know the importance of drug and alcohol screening. Companies are increasing the requirements for drug and alcohol standards to help ensure that no employees suffer from substance abuse, and that there are no on-the-job accidents resulting from an intoxicated employee. Healthworks WNY is committed to providing their clients with drug and alcohol testing facilities to meet the requirements of 49CFR, Part 40. Occupational services for WNY drug testing include pre-employment, random, reasonable suspicion, follow-up, post-accident, and collection-only tests. Healthworks WNY offers comprehensive testing around Buffalo NY. Alcohol testing services are only done by a Certified Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT), ensuring that there are no false results. Don’t let substance abuse affect your employee’s work ethics and performance.
There are about 5.6 million workers that are at risk of exposure to highly contagious diseases. Buffalo occupational medicine prioritizes protecting employees from contagious and potentially deadly diseases by provides immunization shots for the following ailments: Seasonal Influenza vaccine, Hepatitis A and B, Twinrix (a combination of Hepatitis A and B), Tetanus-Diphtheria, M-M-R vaccine, Varicella vaccine, and more.
Many workplaces expose workers to potential physical hazards. This is very common among firefighters, railway companies, and construction companies, among others. Occupational health services, and Healthworks WNY offer a rehabilitation program and superior medical care. We understand that employees want to be back to work as soon as they can, and the employers want their employees to come back to work. Our aim is to help reduce down time and prevent permanent disability. Healthworks WNY constantly monitors the patient’s progress and submits a report to the employer on the diagnosis and treatment, letting you know as soon as the employee is ready to return to work.
Mark Constanza, MD and Stuart Dorfman, MD, the founders of Healthworks WNY, have years of experience in providing medical services for all of Buffalo, NY. Healthworks WNY has three branches placed strategically all over Buffalo, NY so companies can conveniently utilize their services. They also provide mobile services if the employees cannot go to their branches. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.